63 najbolja tipkovnička prečaca za Google dokumente

Poboljšajte svoj tijek rada korištenjem tipkovničkih prečaca(keyboard shortcuts) za sve. Možete čak izraditi prilagođene prečace(create custom shortcuts) koji vam najbolje odgovaraju. Prečaci(Shortcuts) rade na svakoj aplikaciji i sustavu, od vašeg Word dokumenta do Windows sučelja. Mnogi(Many) od njih također ostaju isti bez obzira koji program koristite.

Ovaj će se članak usredotočiti na učenje najboljih tipkovničkih prečaca za Google dokumente(Google Docs) .

Često korišteni prečaci

Prečaci u ovom odjeljku vrlo su popularni, ne samo u Google dokumentima(Google Docs) , već iu različitim aplikacijama, preglednicima i programima koje možda koristite. S nekima od njih vjerojatno ste već upoznati.

Ctrl + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
Ctrl + X Cut the desired content. While Copy makes a new copy of the content, the cut command will remove the content from its original place so you can paste it wherever you want.
Ctrl + V Paste the previously copied or cut content.
Ctrl + Z Undo the last action.
Ctrl + Shift + Z Redo the last action.
Ctrl + K Opens up a field where you can insert or edit links.
Alt + Enter Open up a link from your Google Doc.

Za macOS:

Cmd + C Copy content onto the clipboard.
Cmd + X Cut the content.
Cmd + V Paste.
Cmd + Z Undo the last action.
Cmd + Shift + Z Redo the last action.
Cmd + K Insert or edit links.
Option + Enter Open a link already in the Google Docs file.

Prečaci za oblikovanje teksta

Bez obzira koristite li Google dokumente(Docs) za posao, školske projekte ili za pisanje knjige, morat ćete formatirati tekst. Na taj bi način dokument bio lak za čitanje i razumijevanje. Oblikovanje teksta može se izvršiti dok pišete ili nakon. U svakom slučaju, postoje tipkovnički prečaci koji će vam pomoći da brzo i bez napora završite s tim.

Neki od prečaca za oblikovanje teksta uobičajeni su u većini aplikacija za pisanje i vjerojatno ste već upoznati s njima.

Ctrl + B Bold the selected text.
Ctrl + I Make the selected text italic.
Ctrl + U Underline the selected text.
Ctrl + Shift + V This is a more complex version of the Ctrl + V command. In Google Docs, when you copy and paste content from somewhere else, Google Docs automatically formats it. Use this shortcut to paste an unformatted version of the copied content.
Ctrl + \ Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
Ctrl + Alt + C Copy the formating action of the selected text.
Ctrl + Alt + V Paste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
Alt + Shift + 5 Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
Ctrl + . Make the selected text superscript.
Ctrl + , Make the selected text subscript.
Ctrl + Shift + . Increase the font size.
Ctrl + Shift + , Decrease the font size.

Za macOS:

Cmd + B Bold.
Cmd + I Italic.
Cmd + U Underline.
Cmd + Shift + V Paste the unformatted version of the copied content.
Cmd + \ Clear Google Doc formatting of the selected text.
Cmd + Option + C Copy the formatting action of the selected text.
Cmd + Option + V Paste the previously copied formatting action on new text.
Cmd + Shift + X Strikethrough a part of your text to indicate that you made a change.
Cmd + . Make the selected text superscript.
Cmd + , Make the selected text subscript.
Cmd + Shift + . Increase the font size.
Cmd + Shift + , Decrease the font size.

Prečaci za oblikovanje odlomaka

Oblikovanje(Paragraph) odlomka jednako je važno kao i sam tekst. To čini vaš Google dokument(Google Doc) lakim za praćenje i čitanje. Evo nekoliko prečaca koji će ubrzati proces uređenja vašeg Google dokumenta(making your Google Doc look orderly) :

Ctrl + Shift + L Align the selected paragraphs to the left.
Ctrl + Shift + E Align the selected paragraphs to the center.
Ctrl + Shift + R Align the selected paragraphs to the right.
Ctrl + Shift + J Justify the selected paragraph or part of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Move the selected paragraph up.
Ctrl +Shift +Down Arrow Move the selected paragraph down.
Ctrl + Shift + 7 Make the selected paragraph a numbered list.
Ctrl + Shift + 8 Make the selected paragraph a bulleted list.
Ctrl + Shift + 9 Make the selected paragraph a checklist.

Za macOS:

Cmd + Shift+ L Align text to the left.
Cmd + Shift + E Align text to the center.
Cmd + Shift + R Align text to the right.
Cmd + Shift + J Justify the selected paragraph or a part of the text.
Ctrl + Shift + Up Arrow Move the selected paragraph up.
Ctrl +Shift +Down Arrow Move the selected paragraph down.
Cmd + Shift + 7 Create a numbered list.
Cmd + Shift + 8 Create a bulleted list.
Cmd + Shift + 9 Create a checklist.

Prečaci za oblikovanje(Drawings Formatting Shortcuts) slika i crteža

Grafika vam pomaže da bolje predstavite svoj rad i vizualizirate svoje misli. Jeste(Did) li znali da možete formatirati slike i crteže u svom Google dokumentu(Google Doc) kako bi savršeno pristajali uz tekst koji prate? Koristite(Use) ove prečace kako biste olakšali radni proces.

Ctrl + Alt + K Resize the image larger with the aspect ratio intact.
Ctrl + Alt + B Resize the image larger horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + I Resize the image larger vertically.
Ctrl + Alt + J Resize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
Ctrl + Alt + W Resize the image smaller horizontally.
Ctrl + Alt + Q Resize the image smaller vertically.
Alt + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
Alt + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
Alt + Shift + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
Alt + Shift + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

Za macOS:

Cmd + Ctrl + K Resize the image larger with aspect ratio intact.
Cmd + Ctrl + B Resize the image larger horizontally.
Cmd + Ctrl + I Resize the image larger vertically.
Cmd + Ctrl + J Resize the image smaller with the aspect ratio intact.
Cmd + Ctrl + W Resize the image smaller horizontally.
Cmd + Ctrl + Q Resize the image smaller vertically.
Option + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 15°.
Option + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 15°.
Option + Shift + Right Arrow Rotate the selected image clockwise by 1°.
Option + Shift + Left Arrow Rotate the selected image counterclockwise by 1°.

Prečaci za komentare, fusnote i više

Možete čak uređivati ​​bilješke i zaglavlja pomoću nekoliko prečaca. Trebate brzo odgovoriti na komentar vašeg šefa ili urednika? Nema problema, čak i to se može učiniti u tren oka. Evo kako:

Ctrl + Alt + [1-6] Changes the heading style. The number between 1 and 6 determines the style that will be applied.
Ctrl + Enter Insert a page break into the document.
Ctrl + Alt + M Quickly insert a comment into the Google Docs file.
Select comment + R Leave a reply on the selected comment.
Select comment + E Resolve the selected comment.
Ctrl + Alt + F Insert a new footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + E then F Move to the current footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + N then F Move to the next footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Alt + P then F Move to the previous footnote.
Ctrl + Alt + X
Or press
Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
Ctrl + Alt + Z
Alt + Shift + ~
Enable screen reader support.

Za macOS:

Cmd + Option + [1-6] Changes the heading style.
Cmd + Enter Insert a page break into the document.
Cmd + Option + M Insert a comment.
Select comment + R Leave a reply on the selected comment.
Select comment + E Resolve the selected comment.
Cmd + Option + F Insert a new footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + E then F Move to the current footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + N then F Move to the next footnote.
Hold Ctrl + Cmd + P then F Move to the previous.
Cmd + Option + X
Or press
Fn + f7
Open the spelling/grammar check for your Google Docs file.
Option + Cmd + Z Enable screen reader support

Navigacija i prečaci izbornika

Iako se može činiti jednostavnijim klikati mišem za navigaciju datotekom Google dokumenata(Google Docs) , daleko je lakše i brže to učiniti s prečacima, pogotovo zato što ćete te tipkovničke prečace upariti s onima za formatiranje i uređivanje. Lakše je uopće ne dizati ruke s tipkovnice i sve učiniti s nekoliko pritisaka na tipku.

Ctrl + F Find a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
Ctrl + G Repeat the search.
Ctrl + H Find a word or a phrase in a Google Docs file and replace it with another.
Ctrl + Shift + X Bring up the context menu for faster editing or inserting links and emojis.
Alt + F
Alt + Shift+ F
(for browsers other than Chrome)
Bring up the file menu.
Alt + O
Alt + Shift + O
(for browsers other than Chrome)
Bring up the format menu.
Alt + V
Bring up the view menu.
Alt + E
Bring up the edit menu.
Alt + H Bring up the help menu.
Alt + A Bring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
Alt + T
Bring up the tools menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F Enter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
Page Up Move the page up.
Page Down Move the page down.

Za macOS:

Cmd + F Find a word or phrase in your Google Docs file.
Cmd + G Repeat the search.
Cmd + H Find a word or a phrase and replace it with another.
Cmd + Shift + \ Bring up the context menu.
Ctrl + Option + F Bring up the file menu.
Ctrl + Option + O Bring up the format menu.
Ctrl + Option + V Bring up the view menu.
Ctrl + Option + E Bring up the edit menu.
Ctrl + Option + H Bring up the help menu.
Ctrl + Option + A Bring up the accessibility menu when the screen reader is on.
Ctrl + Option + T Bring up the tools menu.
Ctrl + Shift + F Enter the compact mode/ Hide all the menus.
Fn + up Move the page up.
Fn + down Move the page down.

Bilo da ste pisac koji ispunjava beskrajne stranice Google dokumenata(Google Docs) ili povremeni korisnik, tipkovnički prečaci poboljšat će vam tijek rada nakon što se naviknete na njih. Prakticirajte ih svakodnevno kako biste stekli naviku. Također, pogledajte naš članak o najboljim tipkovničkim prečacima za Microsoft Excel(Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcuts) kako biste postali majstor proračunskih tablica.

About the author

Ja sam hardverski inženjer s preko 10 godina iskustva u radu na IOS i MacOS sustavima. Posljednjih 5 godina predajem večernju nastavu i sam sam naučio koristiti Google Chrome. Moje vještine u oba područja čine me savršenim kandidatom za razvoj web stranica, grafički dizajn ili rad na web sigurnosti.

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