40 najboljih Microsoft Excel tipkovničkih prečaca

Microsoft Excel svestrani je softver razvijen za pomoć svima koji se profesionalno ili u svakodnevnom životu bave proračunskim tablicama i podacima. Omogućuje vam da organizirate i pohranjujete svoje podatke i može izvoditi složene matematičke izračune(mathematical calculations) pomoću formula i funkcija. Ono što je još bolje je to što vam Excel također može pomoći da vizualizirate svoje podatke i projekte putem tortnih dijagrama(pie charts) , gantograma(Gantt charts) , dijagrama toka(flowcharts) i gotovo svih vrsta grafikona koje možete zamisliti.

Microsoft Excel izvorno je razvijen s ciljem unosa podataka, no od tada je softver rastao kako bi se prilagodio svemu, od računovodstva, upravljanja zadacima i financijskog modeliranja do programiranja događaja. To znači da to nije najjednostavniji dio softvera. Za učinkovit rad u Excelu(Excel) morate koristiti tipkovničke prečace i to je ono na što ćemo se usredotočiti u ovom članku.

Zašto su vam potrebni prečaci na tipkovnici?

Čak i ako znate što je Microsoft Excel i intenzivno ste ga koristili u prošlosti, mogli biste se iznenaditi svim funkcijama i prečacima koje možete koristiti za brz i učinkovit rad. Excel ima stotine prečaca i kombinacija tipki, ali ne brinite, ne morate ih sve pamtiti.

Neke Excel(Excel) prečace ćete koristiti češće od drugih. Stoga se usredotočimo na one najvažnije koje ćete trebati svakodnevno.

Često korišteni Excel prečaci

Vjerojatno ste upoznati s nekim prečacima jer se obično koriste u većini Windows 10/11 i Microsoft Office aplikacija. Unatoč tome, ovdje je korisna tablica s najčešće korištenim Excel tipkovničkim prečacima koje morate početi koristiti kako biste brzo poboljšali svoje znanje nad proračunskim tablicama. 

Ctrl+ASelect all
Alt+HGo to the Home tab
Delete (or DEL)Remove content in the cell
Ctrl+OOpen a workbook
Ctrl+WClose a workbook
Alt+H+HChoose a color to fill the cell

Ovi su prečaci praktični i trebali biste se naviknuti koristiti ih ne samo u Excelu(Excel) , već iu Microsoft Wordu(Microsoft Word) , internetskim preglednicima(internet browsers) ili bilo kojoj drugoj aplikaciji koju često koristite za posao ili slobodno vrijeme.

Prečaci zaokretne tablice u Excelu

Zaokretna tablica(Pivot Table) moćan je alat u Excelu(Excel) . Može sažeti odabrane retke i stupce proračunske tablice ili ih čak reorganizirati. Zaokretne tablice praktične su ako imate dugačke redove podataka koje trebate sažeti, a također vam omogućuju da usporedite svoje podatke. Ako koristite mnogo zaokretnih tablica, počnite redovito koristiti donje prečace.

Right-clickAccess the context menu for the selected row, column, or cell.
Ctrl+DDelete the table
Ctrl+MMove the table
Ctrl+RRename the table
Alt+Shift+Right ArrowGroup the pivot table items you selected
Alt+Shift+Left ArrowUngroup the pivot table items you selected

Sada kada znate osnovne prečace, usredotočimo se na druge tipkovničke prečace programa Excel(Excel) koji će povećati vašu produktivnost i brzinu.

Prečaci za navigaciju u Excelu

Brže se krećite(Navigate) kroz Excel i prebacite između kartica radnih listova pomoću sljedećih tipkovničkih prečaca.

Ctrl+Page UpPress this command combination to switch the worksheet tabs to the right.
Ctrl+Page DownThis command will switch the worksheet tabs to the left.
Ctrl+BackspaceThis shortcut will show you which cell is active.
F11The F11 key will create a new chart. It is an amazing shortcut that will allow you to skip all the navigation through Excel’s toolbar.
Ctrl+FPress this combination of keys to quickly access the find function.
Ctrl+QQuickly access the Help function in Excel.
Ctrl+Arrow KeyGo to the last populated cell in the direction of the arrow key. For example, Ctrl+Right Arrow will send you to the last cell to the right, while Ctrl+Down Arrow will select the last cell at the bottom.
 Ctrl+F12This command quickly opens the “open file” dialog and allows you to access another workbook.
Ctrl+F1This combination of keys will toggle the display of ribbons.

Prečaci(Shortcuts) za odabir stavki(Items) u Excelu(Excel)

Uštedite vrijeme bržim odabirom stupaca i redaka pomoću sljedećih tipkovničkih prečaca umjesto nespretnih pokreta mišem.

Ctrl+SpacebarPress Ctrl+Space to select the entire column. You will no longer need to use the header and navigate with your mouse.
Shift+SpacebarPress Shift+Space to select the whole row.
Ctrl+0This simple shortcut will hide all the selected columns.

Prečaci(Shortcuts) za funkcije(Functions) i formule(Formulas) u Excelu(Excel)

Excel se uglavnom bavi formulama i funkcijama. Prestanite(Stop) ih upisivati ​​varijablu po varijablu i povećajte svoju produktivnost pomoću tipkovničkih prečaca u nastavku.

Ctrl+’Switch between displaying all the formulas in your worksheet. Also, you can click on the cell to have the formula shown in the formula bar.
Ctrl+Alt+F9Use this shortcut when you need to calculate all the formulas inside all of your active workbooks.
Ctrl+Shift+$To automatically change a cell into the currency format, you must select it and press Ctrl+Shift+$. It can also work on multiple cells as long as they are selected.
Ctrl+Shift+%This shortcut applies the percentage format to the selected cell.
Alt+=This shortcut will automatically insert the SUM() function. This is possibly the most used formula in Excel, and having a shortcut for it is a must. The Sum() function auto-sums the data of multiple columns and rows. Just make sure to select one extra column on the right side and one extra row on the bottom. Excel will use these to display the summation data.
Alt+H+O+IThis shortcut is a combination of keystrokes that will complete a function in a sequence. First, hit Alt+H to select the Home tab, then hit the O while still holding the Alt key to select the format menu. Finally, hit the I to autofit the width of the column. Remember to keep your finger on Alt while pressing each letter.
Ctrl+[This shortcut allows you to see what cells are referenced in other cells. It is especially useful if you are working with complex formulas.
Ctrl+Shift+JUse this shortcut to see a list of all the constants in your worksheet.
Alt+MOpen the formulas tab.
Shift+F3Prest Shift+F3 to open the insert function window to insert a function.

Prečaci za vrijeme i datum u Excelu

Trenutačno zabilježite razne aktivnosti(Log) pomoću tipkovničkih prečaca za vrijeme i datum u nastavku.

Ctrl+Shift+#This shortcut will allow you to change the date format.
Ctrl+Shift+@Hitting the combination of these keys will allow you quick access to the time of day style. From here, you can proceed and add it to the selected cell.
 Ctrl+;Do you want to add the current date to the Excel spreadsheet? Simply hit this shortcut to add it quickly.
Ctrl+Shift+;This function will place the exact current time in the selected cell.

Uređivanje prečaca u Excelu

Uređivanje ćelija, redaka, stupaca i komentara može biti vrlo dugotrajno. Povećajte svoju brzinu pomoću sljedećih prečaca.

Ctrl+1Open the format cell dialog box. This shortcut will allow you to make changes to the cell’s appearance.
Ctrl+KIf you select a cell or the data entered in the cell and use this shortcut, a hyperlink box will open. Copy and paste the hyperlink into the box (using the copy/paste shortcuts for extra practice).
F2This must be one of the most used Excel shortcuts as it will allow you to edit the cell. Use it to make quick changes.
F4The F4 key will repeat your last action. Be it a formula or an edit, this key will copy the action and save you a lot of time.
Ctrl+Plus Character (+)Insert new rows and columns quickly with the Ctrl shortcut.
Ctrl+Minus Character (-)Press Ctrl+- to delete a row or a column.
Shift+F2Insert a comment or edit an existing comment in a selected cell.

Prečaci za oblikovanje u Excelu

Formatiranje vaših Excel podataka čini ih čitljivima i prezentiranima. Ali to ne znači da biste trebali gubiti vrijeme, pa počnite koristiti dolje navedene prečace.

Ctrl+Shift+&This Excel shortcut quickly applies borders to the selected cell. This is very helpful if you want to keep your spreadsheet neatly organized and visually appealing.
Ctrl+Shift+_To quickly remove the borders, select the desired cells and hit this combination of keys.
 Ctrl+Shift+~This combination of keys will style a selected cell or a group of cells into a general format. Keep in mind the general format is the default format, meaning you get the numbers you type and nothing else.
Ctrl+Shift+^This command applies the exponential format to the cell you select.
Ctrl+Shift+!This shortcut applies the comma formatting style to the selected cell. For example, when the number in the cell goes over 1000, this command will display it with a comma as 1,000. Use this shortcut to visualize numbers.

Bez obzira jeste li majstor proračunskih tablica ili koristite Excel jednom u plavom mjesecu, poznavanje nekoliko prečaca učinit će vaš posao mnogo lakšim i kraćim. Podijelite svoje omiljene Excel tipkovničke prečace i kombinacije u komentarima ispod!

About the author

Ja sam hardverski inženjer s preko 10 godina iskustva u radu na IOS i MacOS sustavima. Posljednjih 5 godina predajem večernju nastavu i sam sam naučio koristiti Google Chrome. Moje vještine u oba područja čine me savršenim kandidatom za razvoj web stranica, grafički dizajn ili rad na web sigurnosti.

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